New Build Timber Frame Home in South Croydon
Our client approached us at the beginning of 2017, initially looking to extend her existing bungalow with a new first floor extension, but on further discussions with her architect she decided a complete new build was the way forward.
The design of the new build incorporates large glass sections to both the front and rear elevations of the property, therefore there was a requirement for large sections of steel. You will see below the architects design and the photos from site of the steel delivered and fitted
With the steels in place the panels to the ground floor can be installed which you can see in the following photos.
Once the ground floor panels are in place the flooring and first floor panels can now be delivered and loaded onto the first floor with the use of a telescopic handler.
Here is a panoramic view of the build prior to the roof trusses being fitted.
With the steels in place the roof trusses could then be delivered and installed prior to Christmas. The team will arrive back on site in the New Year and have the finishing works completed ready for the roofing contractor.
If you would like to find out how we can help you get a beautiful new home quickly and cost effectively then please give us a call on 0118 971 2181 or send us an email.